Saturday, April 21, 2012

Bike Geek Love

Time to load up your bike and bike gear into the Pathfinder: 30 minutes
Time to drive through horrible traffic up northbound I-5 to get to your fiance's house: 2+hours
Time to unload your bike into your fiance's shed for the evening: 10-15 minutes
Time spent listening to your fiance talk about whether you should go to the trail that she's already insisted on by yourselves or join her mom on a different trail, which she doesn't think is as much fun, but on the other hand, but on the other hand, but on the other hand... trying to guess what she actually wants to do and suggest this between saying either is alright with you:, but kind of pushing her towards the decision that she obviously would prefer, you think: 10 minutes
Time to top off your fiance's tires and do a quick function test: 5-10 minutes
Time to reload your bike and your fiance's bike into your Pathfinder: 30 minutes
Time to drive both bikes and all your gear to the trail at the North end of Lake Whatcom: 20 minutes one way)
Time to unload both bikes while your fiance uses the nearest restroom: 10 minutes
Time to put on your bike shorts, bike shoes, helmet, etc.: 5 minutes
Time after ride to do the reverse of everything you just did and take a shower: See above times two

Going on a thirty minute "mountain bike" (or as she would like to call it "hill bike") ride down and back a 3 mile multi-use trail with a minor amount of elevation change, resulting in no injuries to her and the hope that some day she really will be a cycling addict: Priceless? Your fiance certainly hopes so!

I certainly hope so! Mr. (W)right either really loves me or really loves cycling.


Unknown said...

Does it really take me that long to load and unload the Pathfinder??


Liubliu said...

I'd have to time it to be sure. But it sure seems like it can!