Thursday, April 14, 2011

...5...? I think. Ok, I almost typed three

So I was super pleased with my little cell phone purse as seen in this stirring and stunning self-portrait. Of course I was aware of the potential liabilities attached, since the purse isn't quite big enough to zip closed when the phone is in it. On the other hand, it fit nicely under my jacket rather beautifully and was far safer than the cell phone in the pocket approach. The good news... I am not leading up to informing you that I (once again) lost a droid (commence Star Wars jokes now... nerds). I am leading up to admitting that I seem to have misplaced my student i.d., which I was also keeping in the little purse since it is also my key pass back into the clinic and I tend to go in and out of those particular doors about fifty times in a given shift since the kitchen/bathroom/other-people's-offices/copy-machine/fax/etc. are all on the other side of the locked part of the clinic. Carrying it in that little purse allowed my not to have to tote my large purse around with me or risk forgetting it in a jeans pocket at home. Of course it also facilitated the increased risk of what I can only assume happened - falling out as I paw for my cell phone in too much of a hurry.

Anyways, for all I know it's somewhere in my apartment, and in fact that's a likely outcome, but I may want to consider it lost without getting too attached. Fortunately I haven't been relying on the bus pass part of the card too much, but, yes, I might have to abandon my little cell phone purse before I smack my forehead and go "I so knew that it was going to lose my phone too!" Ah well.

Why couldn't I have lost this i.d.??

I am nearing the halfway point of this crazy little quarter and it's an interesting sensation. In some ways, the condensed nature of the quarter is a boon, because there really is no time to start letting the burn out start to accumulate. There's just no time. On the other hand, there's this general sense of malaise and harriedness amongst the students and teachers. My classes start five minutes after the buzzer, most of our classes are already a day or two behind... it makes me feel so darned French I could start wearing a beret and spouting out existentialist apothegms. Even more surreal, I have my bar prep schedule (naturally one of the two Saturdays they have scheduled would fall on my best friend's wedding, because it just wouldn't be fun not to be scrambling to make things up right down to the bar - har har, bar...) and reservations for a hotel next to the testing sight and this I find oddly exciting in a positive sort of fashion. In my addled brain, I might as well have reserved my plane tickets to Tahiti, although I suspect I will have less of a risk of sunburn taking the bar exam than bathing on a beach somewhere.

The interpretive dance section of the WA Bar

In other news, classes continue more generally in a relatively acceptable fashion. We added a student to medical products liability. He speaks somewhat functional English. It's still really two of us, but I'm well on my way through a dazzling paper on ... well it would take a while to explain and is somewhat drier than my informed consent/placebo paper, having to do with two legal restatements and the development of strict liability and various exceptions applied to medical products malfunctions. It's exciting to me though, because I have to admit it, I am a law geek. I actually think I'm going to miss some aspects of law school, insofar as there's a certain ebullience about being completely surrounded by law of every imaginable kind and people who get my lame legal in-jokes.

I won't miss it quite as much as say, spring break, however. Let's be clear. I'm a geek, but I'm not that insane.


Halbert said...

Replacing your student ID is very easy. Go to the basement of Odegaarde, they take your picture, and give you a new ID with bus pass in about 10 minutes. Costs ... maybe $15?

(I think you are at UW Main Campus, but it occurs that you are maybe not, in which case, sorry for unhelpful info!)

Liubliu said...

Nope very helpful and what I shall do if it doesn't turn up in my evening cleaning (considering the hazmat level mess here, I will use any excuse to clean!)