Thursday, April 7, 2011

...6.. (one more boring rant about lawschool grading and then I'll be done, I swear)

The excitement continues with another week of class! So, altogether, going pretty well. I feel a little less slammed/tired/exhausted than last week, probably at least in part due to the fact that I had a head start on my homework over the weekend and didn't spend the first half of this week shuffling around attending hours of superfluous classes in which I was only flittingly matriculated... 

At any rate: I am fending off the sheer ennui of "near done" with some basic rules: keep flash cards current and run them twice a day, do all the reading/work for two of my classes over the weekend, actually brief all cases in the other classes, and ... stay off the internet. Good rules so far, but I have another six weeks to totally abandon them!

The excitement of this week was a brief flirtation with switching my Secured Transactions class from a typical curved model to a Mastery Class. Alas - or phew - it was not to be. The thing about mastery classes in a nutshell is that if I take one, I work extremely hard because I know exactly how well I can do ... so in some sense, it's almost a relief to be stuck with the baffling and arbitrary curved structure in terms of feeling off the hook to kill myself to live up to some ephemeral notion of "my potential"

At any rate, snip snip rant here. The point is: 6 more weeks.

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