Sunday, August 25, 2019

Choose your own Rental Adventure! South King County Edition.

Hi I'm Adella. Let's go on a rental home trek together!

Hope we find something today! Because we gotta move into "something" pretty much next weekend or slightly after. Otherwise, it's tents on the highway. (Or temporary housing provided by Andrew's employer because... damn he's a professional)

It's 8 a.m. Time to hit that nice long 90 minute commute to Future-Wrightlandia. Several days of craislistin' and Zillow side chasers. Tons of responses to tons of ads. Some got responses, but seriously this is worse than dating! But we've got a list. Six scheduled places plus several additional maybes. Drop the kid with the gramma and off we go!

AAAAA STOP NO GO WATCH OUT FOR OH DEAR LORD WHY???? ... actually traffic isn't so AAAAAAA!

Aaaaaaand Renton. Down the street. Miss the turn. Never ever turn around because left turns are Verboten.

And awwww power lines! We must be home. Where the heck is the rental office? Nope that's a tennis court with soccer goals set up on it. Nope that's I don't even know. Nope. More cars.

Several meanderings and map consultations later and...

Let's wait for a few hours while the on-site leasing consultant mumbles something about not being able ot do much until another leasing consultant arrives and then takes her sweet time after that.

[picture deleted itself out of depression]

Ok that apartment was terrible.

But we left early so let's drop in by the well-rated place down the street...

Hey the rental office is easily accessible AND there's an actual leasing agent sitting in her office who immediately speaks with us, gets our info and takes us on a tour...

HEAVEN! Maybe it's just relativity, but damn the contrast! The apartment is clean and spacious and NOT a spiritual coffin. I want this life. I want this version of us. We want this. We're sold, but...

Due dilligence. Let's check out 6 or 7 more places. Just in case!

Sure it's an apartment. And hey, the management folks let us ride on the golf cart! But... meh.

Lunch break. Not actually the best Mexican anyone's ever had but passable and very large.

1. Stood up by the rental agent maybe. Nobody's there anyways.
2. Approached by the neighbor who was confused why we were sitting in the front yard then wanted to know how much rent was gonna be. Holy crap really? It's that much? No. Not doing that. 
3. Mossy, broken down, swimming in stuff
4. Looks like a meth lab. 
5. The owner pulls up in his blinged out car looking confrontational. He doesn't make a ton of sense
6. The place isn't even available until October? Thank god. RUUUUUUN

So it's nice, but when the showing agent tears the screen door straight off trying to walk onto the patio and then owns that the apartment is rated as ready to rent, it seems... dodgy.

Not the swimming pool. Not our place though it might be for a while since this is where the temporary housing happens. 

Interesting... But not our place. 

Adorable townhouse with an adorable playground that...

Too small!

Ok, back to the second place we looked at.I mean not physically back there because it's been untold hours down here and traffic's been getting worse and CHaya purportedly hasn't napped yet so we kind of just want to go home and deal with it all later. But soon! This is our place. We feel it.

Yeah Renton is a soulless mass of alternating residence clusters and strip malls utterly devoid of local color, BUT it's close to work! And we'll have a pool! And our apartment will fit most of our stuff while not crumbling in our very sight. So win!

And here, have a child who is in the throes of agony because she is not getting any "unicorn candy." Pam knows what this is, but Pam is now finishing duty and leaving the soul-smeared snot monster with us. Time to get back to life.

Round Two:

Applying for lving there.

Inevitably the online application is a mess! A non-functioning picky, nagging mess. Screw this nonsense. We're going to bed. There's always still a tent on the side of the road. We've got some good options.

Or maybe we'll get to go back down there today! Who can say!

After sleeping on it.

And dealing with Chaya, who is now happy enough to proclaim that she hates our current house, doesn't want a new apartment and will be moving to Gramma Pam's house where she will have Unicorn Candy!!!

And getting a million tiny drools on my skin...

We try again but with the computer smack dab next to the wifi signal and that actually eventually works.

Sort of. With a few short words bubbling on our lips, but effervescing before they're hurled anywhere. THANK. GOD. FOR. YOUTUBE.

We have to apply together. On different computers. With different accounts. So it's a very officey kind of set up with us huddled in the study and Chaya out in the living room with her own computer and a bunch of Disney cartoons.

Aaaaaaaand application submitted. Maybe. They took our money so hopefully... Let the great background check and credit score check begin!!


Stay tuned, folks!

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