Thursday, August 11, 2011

Life you say?

Well I've been a productive little dickens (it was neither the best nor worst of times, but my week has been remade into some terribly pretentious movies featuring an irritating deluge of green, AND a Disney musical based in which I am a cat) in my quest to re-establish some semblance of a normal life. Well, normal is relative. Maybe just *a life* period.

So the general gist and takeaway kind of breaks down into a few areas of what I would consider basic life essentials:

1. Living situation. I am officially moved into Matt's place. The resident dog, Lilly, is some form of sheparding breed that is terrifically loyal, precocious, and intelligent but pretty distrustful of new faces. Having grown up with a sheltie/collie mix, I'm actually not too phased when Lilly switches from my bff to flipping out because now that I've picked up a coffee cup I am clearly not the person she saw before and must be there to kill her owner. But, my roomie finds the whole thing upsetting. He ultimately wants to be able to have, say, guests over and so on without a huge drama with the dog, so every time she flips out at me, he gets immensely stressed, which in turn makes me feel guilty because if only I were a better person, the dog would sense my internal good and she wouldn't act in a way that stressed my roommate out. Instead, my flashes of moral ambiguity make her angry and this in turn makes him sad. And I don't want to make him sad as he's a very nice fellow.

2. Family: My family has been there for me pretty amazingly the last, well, 28.999999 or whatever (I'm bad at math, but I'm a week shy of 29). So it's nice to be able to see them from time to time. It's been really entertaining watching my nephews grow up, since I see them about once every six months. The oldest, Ian, is about 6 now and he's not nearly the deranged psychopath I may have predicted when he was a wee infant. In fact, he's just generally a good kid. Sure, he talks about shooting and exploding and killing a little more than my fairly peace-loving mother (and Ian's BFF on these trips) would prefer, but he has yet to kill any cats that I know of and seems to take his big brother role very seriously. My second nephew, Braden, is just enterting his terrific twos (I might not have gotten than one right). He is very opinionated on things like who can hold the baby, whether somebody can eat strawberries, etc. but overall he's pretty adorable when he isn't throwing a tantrum. He likes to embody batman, but with spiderman powers. I applaud his versatlity. My youngest nephew is just about a month old and mostly sleeps. Asleep and awake, he pretty much reminds me of a cross between a pig (by ear) and an animatronic muppet (by sight). He still looks a little concerned about this "being alive thing," and maybe wondering if it was really such a great idea here, but I think he'll come around.

I have some relatives past the age of 6, but they are less exciting to watch "grow" per se, having more or less solidified into the people they are going to be. I generally approve. I also saw some of my extended family, which is a rare event. They have also "grown" - or really shrunk just a little. My grandmother just turned 82, so I guess she's entitled, but it is strange seeing the fairly imposing (if always petit) lady from my childhood sink into her own age.

This segues into the fact that we celebrated her 82nd birthday and I saw her not once but twice in the last week, which is honestly twice as often as I'd seen her the previous four years? So, yeah. I'm not exactly Madame Family Values, but I did manage to introduce Andrew (who had me at the big Thanksgiving function with several generations of Wrights within a couple of months, but hey two years is good too) to the rest of the family, having slowly introduced him to the closer factions. Also, the birthday was held at a place that had kid's menus and crayons. Guess how we spent the entire meal? I'll give you a hint: it was not circulating and making small talk:

Farmer Dan dropped acid

See, it's ok, becuase Ian was doing it too

...And, I've definitely written past even the most diligent reader's attention span, so this shall have to be a to be continued

Coming up... dance/social life, work, and the quest for the crystal skull... Same bat channel same bat place.

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