Friday, June 25, 2010

So I won't actually hijack this otherwise effervescent blog of random rants about school/dance/what-fashion-trend-is-seriously-pissing-me-off with rants about nutrition for much longer because honstly I lack that kind of attention span so I can't imagine my readers aren't reaching for the imaginary remote control (or is that just alt-tab?), but in week two or whatever of my low-sodium experimentation.

Instead, personal update. I am just finishing my "break" after finals. I somehow managed to get an awfully perplexing A- out of my admin (oh god the test is when???) law class. Perplexing, because I don't seem to get A-'s in law school, so this throws off my entire theory of my grading. This theory was of course based on the guarantee of one (or two) A, one B+, and a Credit for my C/NC class. I had an alternative theory that the room in which my admin law class (as well as property, and criminal procedure) was my B+ room. In undergrad, A- was my least favorite grade. Like the left handed compliments of decent grades - good, but not that good. An A was an A (i.e. the class was easy or I worked hard) and a B was a B (i.e. um, I guess something I never got, but if I did I would have assumed it was because the class was hard or I had slacked and would have accepted it). In law school, I have revised this stand point a little, although I think the whole thing again confirms the absolute arbitrariness of the entire law school grading process. Aside from grade-obsessing, I have had a nice vacation. Celebrated my first anniversary (of something, as i think we kind of averaged the usual milestones out to get the particular date we chose) with Andrew by sneaking off to Bellingham and introducing him to my sister, brother in law and two nephews. A drive in and a hotel were also involved and they were fabulous.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

You know I have been 'zoning' for about a month now and have dropped around 4-5 lbs. Also lost 3% body fat. I also have been increasing my workouts ;) Anyway Although zoning makes it harder to eat alot of yogurt ('expensive' as far as zoning goes) I LOVE to mix plain greek yogurt, strawberries and peanut butter. Its like a PB&J sandwich without the bread! So nummy!