Friday, June 11, 2010

Adios Dos L Ano... (and the nominee for worst Spanglish ever goes to...!)

It has been a whirlwind month finishing up that ugly step-child of lawschool years - the dreaded 2L year. But now, I may say with aplomb I am a 3L, ready to face classes with a yawn and the restricted job market with fifty resumes and a look of sheer dejection. ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY 3L. But it's been quite a journey and I'd like to take a moment's retrospective and hit on the highlights of my final 2L month (imagining some inspiring montage music murmuring in the background):

1. Three weeks ago I battled with the balancing act and headed back for a matinee showcase at UandMe (my old alma dance-studio-er). Naturally, I feel into the expected post-performance depression about how I am no longer dancing on a regular and amazing basis and mused Proustian on identity and time and what it means to be a "dancer" who doesn't dance. It was profound. I will spare you. I then went to Whidbey Island and "watched" a bike race. It was less profound, but involved doing homework in a truck and drinking my body weight in cola. I was auditioned as water-bottle-hander-offer for one of Andrew's team-mates whose girlfriend has already figured out that mountain biking is boring as a spectator sport and thus is unavailable for the job, but not having been informed of this amazing opportunity or given said water bottle, I crashed and burned in a flurry of "WATER WATER!!" "WHERE? WHERE?" and so on. I will study harder next time.

2. The week after this, I once again attended a bike race type event, this time the Ski-to-Sea, a classic relay sport that takes place in my gosh-golly-ole-home-town of Bellingham Washington. It involves a relay with multiple legs. To my surprise, none of these legs involve drinking in Fairhaven, which to me always seemed to be the point of the Ski-to-Sea (that and the Carnival). Andrew's team was not what I would call "sports class" and so we spent many hours hanging out at Hovander field watching middle aged men in t-shirts take off and wondering if the canoeists had perhaps died and/or decided to screw the race and go out for McDonald's somewhere in the county. They showed up, Andrew rode hard and I drove his truck out of the field and into Fairhaven where "it all ends..." (you tell me who had the more arduous task). This was also the weekend that I had the final-death Evidence option of taking a quick and easy online quiz or writing a very extensive motion in limine (sounds like lemons, but half as tasty - let's just call it a legalish document) or BOTH to achieve enough points to have a savory and satisfying final grade. As it would turn out, I am still inhumanly incapable of dealing with options and the site of (a),(b) or (c) (AAAA NOOOOOOO! NOT OPTIONS) caused a moment of epic panic that turned into a fair amount of cursor flailing and successive wrong answers. I quickly shifted into citrusy motion form and wrote what i hope was a damned good legal thingy in quite the concentrated all day form. I was then essentially finished with evidence and finished with thinking for the rest of the long weekend. Except on my return I had an admin law essay to write which involved many packs of sugarfree gum, lots of soda and a surprisingly short turn around in terms of hours to produce. I'm not saying it was good.

3. My last weekend was the turning point - the tipper between dead week and undead week (aka finals). I successfully managed to convince myself that I could use the mental health days and after scrambling insanely with my externship materials and some of my mediation follow up, I put aside the admin law materials and spent some good quality family time. This began with the usual layer of parents + Bellingham + maybe the dvr that holds all of *my shows* (I am a producer/mogul, but it's a secret), but radiated into some further attenuated iterations of my genetic naterials. First my aunt and uncle came up for lunch, then I spent some time with my sister and her two sons. I jet set back into town on Monday to finish up externship nonsense and have a meeting with a mediator at the interlocal, planning full well to finish up all my admin preparation on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday for the THursday final which was...

4. ACTUALLY ON TUESDAY! Something I fortunately realized late Monday night. Somehow it all worked out, but not without some of your typical breaking printers and lost notes and so on and so forth. It was such a rush and such a thrill ride that Andrew and I had to celebrate by...

5. Having a few pieces of his liver removed! We spent yesterday at the hospital. He had a biopsy, followed by some painkillers and I amused myself with my droid (oh yes, in this last month I also upgraded to a phone that is not only far smarter than me, but potentially cuter than me too... I still however have the one up on the opposable thumbs... for now, at least - I expect it may begin evolving) and camera. See the camera:

ok, ok, I may also have played with some of his hair. But I was very restrained and didn't do anything involving a permanent marker, his face, and my clever sense of humor. Anyways, he survived, says that getting a biopsy is a lot like getting a needle stuck in your liver, and seems in fairly good humor now.

6. And that brings us to today. At some point I sent off my final assignments of the year from a McDonald's in Northgate... long story and am officially a tres L.

Hurray for me. It's been a long winding road, but bring on the unemployment panic, I'm ready to blow off class!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Crazy Week! I hope your mans biopsy turned out ok. Just wanted to say hi and tell you Im still reading ;)