Sunday, November 15, 2009

Law School's Gotta be Good for Something

Should the legal work remain dry, I've got my new career in screenwriting all worked out. If somebody hasn't already beaten me to it: SCOTUS Babies.

Obviously run on the model of the Muppet Babies, except starring those revered justices whom we - as law students - all seem to know more intimately than our own families and significant others. They of course will set off through a series of fantastical investigational filled adventures into such exciting topics as separation of powers, preemption, habeas corpus and so on and so on. This nation doesn't understand the law or the constitution nearly well enough. the best way to approach this would be to give up on the intervening ignorant generations in charge and focus on the young. Baby Einstein ain't got nothin' on SCOTUS babies. It will be both informative and entertaining - I mean Scalia, Sotomayer, Thomas... how are they not just begging to be children's television personalities in adorably onesie robes?

On an unrelated note, I just had one of those moments of awe for the english language in realizing that *beat* conjugates to *beaten* when it takes the perfect/plu-perfect/whatever other whacky tenses require additional helper verbs. And speaking of oddities of English language, for some reason you can take an ongoing vocabulary quiz online where each correct answer gives 10 grains of rice to hungry people. Kind of an odd link, but hey being aimlessly geeky and being marginally charitable ought to be aligned more often, right?

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